We must always get there, in time.

Scotland's Charity Air Ambulance exists so no one in Scotland suffers or dies because medical help cannot get there in time. Will you give a donation today to make sure SCAA is always there in time to save lives?

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is required in 2024/25 to keep our life-saving service operating


we are ready to respond every day of the year


missions since launching in 2013

The impact of your support

SCAA is Scotland’s only Charity Air Ambulance and is funded entirely by the generosity of the people of Scotland. Thanks to SCAA supporters, we are able to respond to time-critical accidents and emergencies through Scotland and its many Islands.

Tap a pin to find out more about our work

Scotland regional map. Click on a map pin to read more information.

Mel's Story

  • LocationBen Lomond
  • Distance20 minutes
  • Road traffic collision

The last thing Mel remembers before entering a world of fear and pain was the front of a large black truck bearing down on their small hatchback car.

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Debbie's Story

  • LocationTomintoul
  • Distance30 minutes

When medics examined Debbie’s battered and broken body at her family farm near Tomintoul, they knew that speed would be a determining factor in saving her life – and Scotland’s Charity Air Ambulance was there to fulfil that critical race against time.

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Emergency Response

  • LocationAngus Glens
  • Distance20 minutes
  • Cardiac arrest

Perth crew attended cardiac arrest in Angus Glens. Patient transferred to Ninewells Hospital

Emergency Response

  • LocationGlen Esk

SCAA was first on scene when a man was seriously injured after his quad bike overturned at a controlled heather burning on the hillside above Glen Esk recently. SCAA paramedics treated the patient before he was airlifted to hospital.

Emergency Response

  • LocationAberdeenshire
  • Distance20m

SCAA responded within minutes to a medical emergency at an Aberdeenshire secondary school recently. Our helicopter air ambulance landed on the school playing fields. A teenage boy was transferred to hospital care.

Emergency Response

  • LocationFair Isle

SCAA made the long flight to the remote Fair Isle again recently to ensure a seriously ill woman requiring emergency care was in hospital on Shetland as quickly as possible.

Emergency Response

  • LocationTurriff
  • Distance20m

man suffering an anaphylactic shock was airlifted by SCAA from Turriff to advanced care at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary in just 20 minutes.

Emergency Response

  • LocationTiree
  • Distance45m

SCAA was called to the island of Tiree when a man suffering heart failure required an emergency transfer to mainland hospital care. The patient was airlifted to QEUH in 45 minutes.

Emergency Response

  • LocationAchnasheen

SCAA’s Helimed 79 was one of two air ambulances deployed to a serious road traffic collision near Achnasheen in the Highlands. The Aberdeen-based helicopter airlifted a specialist doctor-led team quickly to the remote scene.

Emergency Response

  • LocationNorth Fife
  • Distance5m

It took SCAA just five minutes to reach a woman injured in a riding accident in north Fife. SCAA was first on scene, landing in the field next to the injured woman. The rider, suffering leg injuries, was airlifted in minutes to Ninewells Hospital.

Emergency Response

  • LocationStonehaven

SCAA made the challenging landing among the lofty turbines of a remote wind farm to reach an injured off-road biker with head injuries. SCAA was first on scene as the area was closed to road traffic, airlifting the patient to Aberdeen Hospital.

Emergency Response

  • LocationOrkney
  • Distance90m

Helimed 79 went to Orkney to carry out an urgent patient transfer to specialist hospital care at Edinburgh. Crew made the non-stop 90-minute flight from Orkney to the Royal Infirmary Edinburgh.

Emergency Response

  • LocationLoch Nevis

A hillwalker who sustained ankle injuries in a fall at the remote reaches of Loch Nevis was airlifted to hospital at Oban by SCAA for X-ray and advanced care. SCAA was first on scene, landing on the shore of the loch near the patient.

Emergency Response

  • LocationIslay
  • Distance30m

SCAA was able to airlift two patients from Islay on one flight when they both required urgent mainland hospital care. The man and woman - one stretchered and one seated - were flown in just over 30mins to hospital in Paisley.

Emergency Response

  • LocationLaggan
  • Distance25m

A teenage girl who was injured in a cycling accident during an event in Laggan was airlifted to hospital care in Dundee by SCAA in just 25 minutes.

Duncan's Story

  • LocationHighland Perthshire
  • Cardiac arrest

Duncan's cardiac arrest resulted in him 'dying' seven times. The crew were fighting for his life throughout the journey to hospital.

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Marc's Story

  • LocationGlencoe
  • Distance25m

A serious leg injury left mountain biker Marc stranded in Glencoe. When he noticed his foot facing the wrong way, he knew he needed help to get there quickly.

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Baby James's Story

  • LocationGlen Esk
  • Distance15m

Dog attack on a four-month-old baby leads to extensive injuries to head and neck, punctured windpipe and damage to artery.

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What we do

Learn more about Scotland's Charity Air Ambulance and how your support makes a difference

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