Why should I leave a gift in my Will to Scotland’s Charity Air Ambulance?
Medical Emergencies don’t wait. They could happen to any of us, anywhere and at any time, but across our rugged and remote landscapes of Scotland, air ambulances are often the only means of getting urgent medical help to the patient.
For patients like Mel, it really can mean the difference between life and death.
“SCAA helped save my life when we crashed that day,” she recalled. “When I saw that black truck filling the road in front of us, there was no time to react – just a horrible, gut-wrenching sense of the inevitable. SCAA came at the darkest of times for me and made a truly awful situation so much better with their professionalism, expertise, speed, and calming reassurance.”
Your gift will help SCAA get there in time and save the lives of people like Mel all over Scotland. Each year, gifts in Wills help fund up to 100 of our life-saving call-outs, creating a profound legacy impacting on the lives of both current and future generations. By listening to the stories of our patients, you can understand the enduring difference your support can make.
Marion's SCAA Story
Ian Stewart, SCAA Legacy Pledger and former air ambulance patient:
“I had a life-threatening mountain fall and was airlifted to hospital. Assistance and evacuation by the air ambulance was critical to my survival. Please consider, as I have done, leaving a legacy to these heroes who devote their time to save others.”
How do I leave a Gift in My Will?
After you’ve provided for your loved ones, we’d be very grateful if you’d consider including a gift in your will to Scotland’s Charity Air Ambulance. We would always recommend that you use a solicitor or other will writing professional to write or update your will. Normally a straightforward process, this is the key information you need to give to your solicitor:
Legal name: Scotland's Charity Air Ambulance
Address: The Control Tower, Perth Airport, Scone, Perthshire, PH2 6PL
Registered Scottish Charity Number: SC041845
For more information about leaving a gift in your will to SCAA, or to receive a copy of our Legacy brochure, please email Kathryn at k.cooper@scaa.org.uk or you can request a copy of our Legacy brochure by completing your details below:
Legacy Enquiry
Read more patient stories
Baby James's Story
Dog attack on a four-month-old baby leads to extensive injuries to head and neck, punctured windpipe and damage to artery.
When medics examined Debbie’s battered and broken body at her family farm near Tomintoul, they knew that speed would be a determining factor in saving her life – and Scotland’s Charity Air Ambulance was there to fulfil that critical race against time.